To instigate a brand logo that communicates the essence of Mo a Personal Instructor.
Personal training body sculpting nion gender defining Mo. 
Mo Power. A lot of body work,  training is done upside down or flat out and with that in mind i devised a logo that underlines who is the Trainer MO and what we are achieving POWER. 

MO VO: Everything in a gym is gendered. Weight rooms are pumped up to be masculine. Lightest weights are powder coated in bubblegum pink.
Fitness is my life. I lift heavy, surprisingly for my size. Why? I want broader shoulders to offset the feminine width of my hips. I want to carry muscle weight in my arms, not my butt or legs. I want the illusion of masculinity, painted atop the bones of a woman. That sings to me.
Hell yeah! Some women want that!
I don’t need to hear the whispers to know what people are saying. “Is that a boy or a girl?” “What is that?”
That? That’s Mo!
i am Mo. everything your personal trainer  isn’t i am.
am I a woman? am I a man? you work it out whilst I work out!
That’s what I do for a living!!

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